Boldly Forward, Never Alone with SouthRidge Church & Valley Church

SouthRidge Fellowship was born out of a desire to introduce more people to Jesus Christ. Leaders of Cloverdale Baptist in Surrey believed that a daughter church in Langley would be the best way to accomplish this. In the fall of 1994, they invited everyone who was interested to join a church planting team. As we've grown over the years our passion to see people get to know Jesus Christ has grown and we've become a vibrant community of friends—a family of sorts—seeking and serving God together in the community of Langley.

We have a very intentional mission at SouthRidge: Love God, Change the World, One Life at a Time. It is the driving force behind what we do from leadership development to generosity in caring for our community and the lost; we strive to be the hands and feet of Jesus. After COVID, we believed God was calling us to create a new expression of SouthRidge. None of us knew exactly what this was but simply knew that God was calling us to expand our ministry. We were open to the Lord’s leading to the point of putting a specific line item in our budget for this as well as it making it a part of our Strategic Initiatives – the things we believed God was calling us to do in the coming year.

One year went by but nothing was coming clear in this area. Then, unbeknownst to us, one of our pastors began to explore the idea of church planting. In the process for them, they felt a strong calling to plant in Duncan. As we started to see the two visions collide, we knew God was beginning to make some things clear for us.

We knew it would be significant kingdom building for us and for the new church plant to come alongside and partner with Wes and Christy Linde in the planting of Valley Church.

As we shared this vision with our church family, we were able to support this church plant in a number of ways. Financially, through budget and SouthRidge attenders, we have been able to support Valley with just over $100,000 in the past two years. In addition to this, we have provided financial admin support, insurance, policy assistance, tech help, and a whole bunch of other support to ensure a strong start. We have our lead pastor, Brent Chapman, sitting on their Advisory Team that provides ongoing leadership support for Pastor Wes and his team.

We are so excited to see the successful start to Valley Church and the small way we have been able to come alongside and be a partner in this. All for His Kingdom!

— written by Paul Olson, Executive Pastor of SouthRidge Church


Church Plant Spotlight: Worship on Air Fellowship


Finding Strength and Healing Through W.I.N.G.S.