Finding Strength and Healing Through W.I.N.G.S.

"What's wrong with me?" Emma (not her real name) asked, her voice trembling with uncertainty. "I frequently forget what I am doing and where I am going. I've missed my bus stop several times and arrived late at work. I am not acting normal," she concluded, her eyes welling up with tears as she bravely narrated her harrowing experiences from the past week. Under the weight of stress, her mind often went blank, leaving her feeling painfully slow and overwhelmed, exacerbating the frustration of her coworkers. Emma’s self-confidence was at an all-time low; she was exhausted from restless nights and frequent panic attacks. Before me, with her head bowed low, sat a terrified woman grappling with the traumatic aftermath of domestic abuse.

When a woman goes through traumatic experiences, it can mess up how her brain usually works or even make it stop working temporarily. This is the brain's way of trying to protect the person from feeling too much pain. It can show up in different ways, for example, feeling disconnected from reality, having trouble remembering things, or finding it hard to think clearly. Moving forward is a complex process. Recovery involves healing not just physically and emotionally but also spiritually. It's like putting all the pieces back together to feel whole again.

At W.I.N.G.S. (Women In Need Gaining Strength), I'm part of a team as the Spiritual Care and Wellness Coordinator. Our aim is to provide a safe space for women like Emma where they can find comfort, rebuild their spirit, and rediscover their self-worth. Together, we embark on a healing journey guided by Christ-centered spiritual discernment, prayer, Biblically-based support, and compassion-driven conversations. I often watch in awe as a woman, once burdened and weary, emerges after our conversation with a newfound strength as her spirit is ministered to and uplifted. In a world filled with challenges, she finds a guiding light in compassion, empowerment, and faith.

At W.I.N.G.S., our mission is clear: to offer women and children in need the opportunity to gain strength and live in alignment with their true worth. We stand as a bridge of support and advocacy, forging connections with various agencies to create a network that embraces women as they rebuild their lives. W.I.N.G.S. is more than just an organization; it's a movement fueled by the love of Jesus and his Power to restore. From Monarch Place and Azure Place Transition Houses to Chrysalis and W.I.N.G.S. Place Second Stage Programs, our initiatives extend a lifeline to women from diverse cultural and faith backgrounds.

An additional significant endeavour is to become a resource for churches. By nurturing relationships with churches and faith leaders, we amplify the impact of our mission, spreading healing and support far beyond our immediate reach.

Countless women and children yearn for the support and hope that W.I.N.G.S. provides. When the church stands alongside us, it becomes an integral part of the healing process—a living testament to Christ's power, unity, and compassion.

There are a few ways to make a tangible difference.

The Church can, for example, lend its voice by raising awareness about domestic violence and our mission. Volunteering, material donations, or financial support can magnify our impact and bring light to those in need. We have available and ready-to-access resources, programs, workshops, counselling services, and consultations for those who need it. By embracing the role of a friend, advocate, and supporter, a church can help us rewrite the stories of survivors and empower them to soar to new heights.

Emma’s story reflects many who have sought help at W.I.N.G.S. We firmly believe that every courageous woman possesses the potential to rise above life's challenges. We invite you to help us build a world where women and children escape the shadows of domestic violence and emerge as beacons of strength and resilience. Join us on this Kingdom assignment to heal and transform the world.

To answer the call and make a difference, visit the W.I.N.G.S. website (coming early October) and learn how you can contribute to our mission of hope and healing. Together, we can help survivors of domestic violence find their wings and soar to new heights.

"He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings, you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart." - Psalm 91:4

Written by Jane Muema-Ngui


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