Todd Chapman,
Connect Team

Todd Chapman serves on the Connect Team, primarily in the areas of church planting, pastoral care, and affinity groups.

Todd completed a Bachelor of Arts in History from TWU and a Masters of Religious Education from Northwest Baptist Seminary. He had the privilege of growing up and experiencing church ministry both overseas and locally, and has served in pastoral ministry for over 15 years—pastoring churches in Mission, Smithers, and Abbotsford.

He is passionate about the local church and fighting for the underdog. He loves giving leaders opportunities to try, encourages them to succeed, serves as a leader in his church, all while enjoying the journey getting there.

Todd is married to Karen, and they have three grown children, Delaney (and Luke), Macaulay and Theo. He attends and serves at Immanuel Fellowship Baptist in Abbotsford.

When not working you will discover Todd puttering in his yard looking for the elusive garden gnome, hanging out with his family and beloved dog, watching or playing sports, enjoying a Hallmark special and yaking at the fence with his neighbour. If you cannot find Todd it is because he is deeply committed to practicing the underrated skill of napping. Yes it is underrated.