donate to fellowship pacific.

Fellowship Pacific is a registered charity under the legal name of Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches in BC and Yukon.

Charity #131959777RR0001.

Your tax-receiptable donation is greatly appreciated.
Tax receipts will be issued in February of each year.

payment methods.


credit card or paypal.

Click the link below to donate by credit card or paypal.

Please be sure to include your name and mailing address to receive a tax receipt.

pre-authorized payment (PAD).

Set-up one-time or regularly scheduled payments that are withdrawn from your bank account each month.

Please contact us at for more information.


Log into your bank account and send funds to us via e-transfer to

Please include your name and mailing address for tax receipting purposes, as well as the reason for the funds.


Cheques should be made payable to “Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches in BC and Yukon” and mailed to the address listed at the bottom of this webpage.

Please include the reason for the funds.