Do you have all the information you need regarding wills and estate planning?
Questions to ask yourself...

Do I have a current and up to date Will?
...only 58% of Canadians can answer yes…

Does my Will protect my family vacation property from taxation?
...70% of estate transfers fail to meet their objectives.

Does my Will protect my RRSP or RRIF from taxation?
...Billions of dollars are needlessly being transferred to the government through capital gain and income taxes because people haven’t planned well…

Has your church ever talked about the legacy gifts that people might leave to your church through their wills? We're really talking about long-term "fundraising" or establishing a planned giving platform for your church

Fellowship Pacific has formed a partnership with Advisors With Purpose that provides your church families with assistance in planning their estates in such a way that ensures they are leaving more to family, your church, and other charities, and less to government taxation. 

The number one benefit of completing a Will and Estate Plan is peace of mind—knowing your goals, values and faith are reflected in your Will.


Pastoral Care


Power of Habit